Weekend Mass Times
4:30 pm
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Saturdays: 3-4
Penance Services during Advent and Lent
By Appointment with Priests
About St. Timothy Parish
We are St. Timothy Parish, a Catholic community, committed to the call of Jesus Christ. We are Christ’s disciples, and we join in the Holy Spirit’s work to make life holy. With grateful hearts, we come together in worship, service, faith formation, and community to share and celebrate God’s many gifts.
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program was created for people who want to explore the teachings of the Catholic Church. It is an open discussion format covering a wide variety of topics including Church history, the Sacraments, the teachings of Jesus, Sacred Scripture and a number of other relevant topics. The format is casual and we welcome all who are interested, including those who are interested in becoming Catholic, any Catholics who have been away from the Church for some time or even active Catholics who want to deepen their faith.
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Holy Week 2024 – Mass Schedule
The Videos and Outline for St. Timothy Teaching Masses Available
The videos and the outline for the teaching Masses available: Teaching Mass Videos Teaching Mass Outline
Engraved Bricks for Adoration Chapel Walkway
If you have seen the sidewalk leading to the Adoration Chapel, you may have noticed that there are bricks that have not been engraved. Some have asked if they could still purchase a brick for engraving. This can be done. Click below for the Adoration Brick Form....