Adult Programs

Adult Faith Formation
The Adult Faith Formation Committee meets to plan ways to provide adult members of the parish with opportunities to learn more about the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church, as well as to grow in faith and improve their spiritual lives. The committee meets to review suggestions, and to plan for, various programs to accomplish its mission. Members contribute energy and expertise toward sponsoring and promoting events. This may include evenings or days of faith enrichment, fellowship, education, retreats, book fairs, parish missions and seasonal programs. The committee also provides information for faith enrichment opportunities at other locations within the Diocese of Covington, through bulletin announcements and the parish newsletter. Fresh and new ideas, requests or suggestions for programs, from within the parish community, are always welcomed and encouraged.
Committee members must be 18 years of age or older, actively involved in parish life, and have a desire to help enrich the faith life of fellow parishioners.
Meets at 6 pm, the fourth Tuesday of each month in St. Timothy School Steam Lab.
♦ Contact: Parish Office 859.384.1100
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program was created for people who want to explore the teachings of the Catholic Church. It is an open discussion format covering a wide variety of topics including Church history, the Sacraments, the teachings of Jesus, Sacred Scripture and a number of other relevant topics. The format is casual and we welcome all who are interested, including those who are interested in becoming Catholic, any Catholics who have been away from the Church for some time or even active Catholics who want to deepen their faith.
Volunteers are needed to be sponsors.
Meets on Sundays from 9:30 – 11:00 am on a weekly basis from late August until late April.
Learn more about the RCIA program
♦ Contact: Debbi Cranley (e-mail)

The CRHP program centers
The CRHP program centers on the renewal process and emphasizes a clear focus on Christ. The program encourages continued spiritual growth through scripture, prayer, personal reflection and relationships with others. Men’s and women’s programs are offered to those 18 years of age or older. The non-overnight weekend retreat takes place at the parish. Dates and registration information will be announced each year. (more info)
♦ Contact: Deacon Steve Alley (e-mail)
Men’s Group
This group provides an opportunity for men to come together to share their faith. We believe that men need to share their lives with each other to help us to be better husbands, fathers, sons and grandfathers, and grow closer to the Lord. The meetings consist of sharing of scripture, prayer, and discussion; coffee and doughnuts. No sign-up required.
Meets in Brodnick Hall on the second & fourth Saturdays from 7:30-9am. Some men pray the rosary at 6:30am and /or attend the 7am Mass.

Year Three: Created to Know; Called to Prayer Develop a consistent prayer life with the help of the other moms in your group. Go deeper in your relationship with God as you participate in prayer experiences on your own and with your group. Learn how to encourage each child’s relationship with God at their development level and use practical tips in your home to create an atmosphere of peace, honesty, and virtue. Based on Part Four: Christian Prayer of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Year Four: Created to Lead; Called to Act Learn more about the important role of the family in evangelizing and become even more convinced that your family is called to make a difference in your parish, workplace, community and beyond. Participate in spiritual and ministry activities to further strengthen you and your family’s confidence in the contribution you are called to make. Based on Christifideles Laici (The Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful People) by Saint John Paul II.
Husbands and Fathers Join with other men to develop greater confidence in making decisions and living your convictions as a husband and father. We are currently revamping our Husbands & Fathers programming, but stay connected with us to learn more.
The Cana Experience The Cana Experience is specifically designed for parents of young children, to help them live their vocation to marriage and parenthood in all its fullness.
The Temperament God Gave You Discover how understanding temperaments will develop in us greater compassion and communication skills, equipping us to more effectively encourage, motivate and strengthen our spouse and children. Learn how temperaments affect our spiritual life and how to use this information to grow closer to God.
Mothers of Young Children Program (Years One to Four) Mothers of Young Children sessions include a reflection on a Gospel passage and church teachings, followed by a conversation on 2-3 principles that are directly relevant to marriage, parenting, and family life, and conclude with a resolution to implement. The four years are consecutive as each builds on the previous one.
Year One: Created to Believe; Called to Motherhood Discover the depth of who you are as a woman and a mother and how your femininity is a gift to your family and the world. Grow in your relationship with Mary, your Blessed Mother, and receive her guidance as you mother your own children. Based on Redemptoris Mater (Mother of the Redeemer) and Mulieris Dignitatem (The Dignity and Vocation of Women), both by Saint John Paul II.
Year Two: Created to Love; Called to Marriage Discover the depth and gift of marriage, experience an enriched appreciation for your husband and learn to draw on the grace you received in the sacrament of marriage. Learn how your marriage is a gift for you and your spouse, and also for your children and for the world. Create a safe loving environment in your home that models for your children the gift that marriage is. Based on the Familiaris Consortio (On the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World) by Saint John Paul II.

Ladies Cursillo Prayer Group
This group is open to all women who have completed a Cursillo. For more information about Cursillo and upcoming fall and spring weekends in our area, visit the website of Covington Cursillo.

The purpose of the HOLY LEAGUE is to bring men closer to Christ by spending quiet time with him. We will spend the time in Adoration, hear a brief reflection on the life of Jesus the man and the Sacrament of Confession will be available if any man wants it. We are in a spiritual warfare and our families need men who are ready for the battle.
All men are invited including sons.
For more information, visit the website of HOLY LEAGUE.
Meets 4th Monday of every month, 7 – 8 pm in the Church