Christ Renews His Parish

The Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) program centers around a renewal weekend which is a time to relax, pray, and rethink priorities. It’s also a time to get to know others in the parish and an opportunity to examine, rediscover, and intensify your relationship with God. It’s a weekend of reflection and a sharing of spiritual and real life issues. On the weekend, you will have the opportunity to listen and discuss how others live their faith in the modern world.

“CRHP” is:

  • A simple gospel method of renewal and/or conversion
  • A conducive environment and favorable teaching moment for reconciliation
  • A proven experiential way of enlivening and strengthening faith
  • A communal opportunity for adult commitment
  • A specific period for personal growth in prayer, scripture and sharing
  • A motivating and practical method for introducing ministry formation
  • A powerful catalyst for on-going communal and parish renewal

The Weekend
St. Timothy Parish hosts men’s and women’s retreats each year at the parish center and church; dates are announced each year. The weekend begins on Saturday morning and continues on Sunday until late afternoon; it is not an overnighter. Both days are devoted to the renewal of our faith.  There will be time for fellowship and time for personal prayer and reflection as well.  There will be an opportunity for the Sacrament of Penance and to attend Mass at 9:30 on Sunday.You will be pampered with great meals and snacks provided by the parish.  If you have a special diet, please indicate your needs when you register. Casual and comfortable clothes are appropriate for both days of the weekend. The program is provided at no cost.

The renewal weekend is given for parishioners by parishioners.  The renewal team is comprised of parishioners who have previously participated in a renewal weekend.

Any adult over 18 years of age and a member of St. Timothy Parish or living within parish boundaries is eligible to attend a CRHP weekend.

Contact for more information:
Paul Stratman (
Chairperson, St. Timothy Parish CRHP Continuation Committee