Pro Life
Families for Life
Our St. Timothy Parish pro-life ministry provides a structure through which people of all ages and abilities can channel their energy and direct their efforts to be involved in specific pro-life work in our parish, diocese and community. Our purpose is to educate and raise awareness for the Church’s teaching regarding the sanctity of life, through communication and service. Projects include the Baby Shower for area pregnancy centers, Cross the Bridge for Life, and various other opportunities to foster awareness for respect for life from conception to natural death.
All parishioners invited to become involved. Meetings and events are announced in the parish bulletin.

Get Involved
Pro-Life Events

Baby Shower
Our St. Timothy Families for Life ministry sponsors a “Baby Shower” during October, Respect Life Month. Our annual collection provides baby items to mothers in need at several agencies that support life: New Hope Center, CareNet Pregnancy Services, HealthPoint Family Care, and Rose Garden Mission. Parishioners can pick up gift tags listing specific baby items (onesies, blankets, sleepers, towels, diapers, baby wipes) after all Masses in early October. Gently used baby equipment in working condition will also be collected. Please drop off donations in the playpen in the Gathering Space or Brodnick Hall room 1 on the designated weekend in October. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Volunteers are needed to help assemble the gift bags. See the parish bulletin for details.

“The Many Faces of Pro-Life” Signature Ad
A multi-page newspaper ad from the Diocese of Covington will run in the Enquirer in January, marking the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion. By signing the ad, you will be counted among the thousands throughout our diocese who will be standing up for the sanctity of all human life. Since the signatures are listed by parish, let’s show that St. Timothy Parish has the courage and willingness of people to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. Signatures are collected after Masses in the fall. Names can also be added to the St. Timothy roster by email to the diocesan Pro-Life office.

Cross the Bridge for Life
Each June, hundreds of pro-lifers from the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area will join in a demonstration of support for the protection of human life with a peaceful walk across the “Purple People Bridge” spanning the Ohio River from Sawyer Point in Cincinnati to Newport on the Levee in Kentucky.
Pro-Life Resources
- Diocesan Pro-Life Commission
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Prolife Committee
- National Committee for a Human Life Amendment
- Project Rachel:
- A Christ-centered ministry where women who have had abortions can discover God’s love and forgiveness.