Our Mission
We are St. Timothy Parish, a Catholic community, committed to the call of Jesus Christ. We are Christ’s disciples, and we join in the Holy Spirit’s work to make life holy. With grateful hearts, we come together in worship, service, faith formation, and community to share and celebrate God’s many gifts.Our Vision
The command to “Stir into Flame the Gift of God” (II Timothy 1:6 ) is taken from Paul’s letter to Timothy, the namesake of our parish. In adopting it as our vision, we connect ourselves to St. Timothy as we call upon the Holy Spirit to guide us toward greater communion with God and with each other. Take the gift of God in your life and use it as you show Christ’s love to each other.
Our four pillars, Worship, Service, Faith Formation, and Community Gathering, bring us together in our ministries. Our ministries would not be possible without the dedication of our parishioners. Please prayerfully discern your calling to live out your baptismal vows through one or more of our ministries.

Our Logo
Our logo expresses the command to “Stir into Flame the Gift of God.” It shows individuals nourished by the Eucharist, guided by the Spirit, joined to form a community in Christ. It encompasses four figures that stand for the four pillars of parish life – worship, service, faith formation, and community gathering. Their outstretched hands, joined together as a sign of unity, connect in the shape of a table to symbolize our gathering around the Table of the Lord. Between the hands, flames signify the inspiration and unity sparked by the Holy Spirit. They also symbolize the unique gifts God gives each of us, gifts we offer to our community to make it complete. To become community and be Christ to others, we first must come to be fed by Him. The Eucharist, then, is represented as the community’s life-giving source. It encircles the Cross of Jesus, symbolizing Christ’s sacrifice – the very center of the community from which all else springs.