Groups affiliated with St.Timothy Parish
The listed groups are affiliated with St.Timothy Parish and are coordinated by members of the parish. Membership is open to the local community. Telephone numbers are listed in the parish directory.

Young In Spirit -Seniors
The Young in Spirit seniors group offers fun, fellowship, travel, and service opportunities for seniors age 55 and over. The groups hosts monthly meetings, social outings, trips, and outreach. One-day trips as well as longer excursions are scheduled throughout the year and are open to non-members. See the parish bulletin for more information about upcoming activities.
- Age limit:- over 55 years
- Annual Fee:- $10
- Catered Lunch:- $8 one week before meeting
- Venue:- Meets in Brodnick Hall on the second Wednesday of the month from 11 am – 1:30 pm. Reservations for a catered lunch ($8) are required at least one week before the meeting.

Knights of Columbus
This Catholic international fraternal, family service organization is based on the four principals of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We pride ourselves on our service to Church, community, council, family, youth and pro-life. Any man, 18 years of age or older, is welcome to join.
- Age limit:- over 18 years and older
- Venue:- Knights of Columbus Council 15211 – St Timothy meets in Brodnick Hall on the second Tuesday of the month for the business meeting and on the fourth Tuesday of the month for the social meeting.

The St.Timothy Golf League
The St.Timothy Golf League consists of 20 two-player teams. Sign up for regular team members is in February; substitutes can sign up anytime.
Schedules and pairings are distributed each spring.
- Venue:- Meets at Lassing Point Golf Course on Tuesdays from early spring until mid-Sept., followed by playoffs. Tee times normally begin at 4:30pm.

Mothers of Preschoolers
Its purpose is to nurture mothers of young children from pregnancy through kindergarten. Monthly meetings consist of brunch, devotions, guest speakers, crafts and social time. Outreach activities, moms’ night out, outings for moms and their kids, moms’ & pops’ nights outs are also scheduled. Registration is required.
- Venue:- The group typically meets in Brodnick Hall on the last Monday of the month (Sept. to May) from 9:30-11:30am . Childcare is available.

Boy Scouts – Troop 702
The goal of Catholic Youth Ministry match Scouting’s three aims: character development, preparation for responsible citizenship, and physical and mental fitness. Boys work to earn merit badges and progress through rank advancement. Scouts may also earn religious emblems.
Open to boys ages 11 through 18. Registration is required.
- Venue:- The troop meets in Brodnick Hall on Monday at 7pm.

Cub Scouts – Pack 702
Cub Scout activities are designed to build character, physical fitness, practical skills and a sense of inclusiveness to ensure all children have an opportunity to grow into wholesome members of society. Pack 702 focuses on four primary activities including camping, hiking, fishing, and community service, while also providing scouts an opportunity to earn religious emblems.
Pack 702 is open to boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grade. Registration is required and can be completed at Cub Scout Registration. For any questions, please reach out to the Pack 702 leadership.
♦ Contact (e-mail)
Cubmaster: Nate Meyers
Committee Chairman: Anna Painter

American Heritage Girls Troop KY1412
St. Timothy American Heritage Girls Troop KY1412 is a Christ-centered non-profit character development program for girls ages 5-18, dedicated to its mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.

This club is for girls (grades 5-8) to grow in virtue, friendship, and their Catholic faith. It’s a place for girls to learn about themselves by doing apostolic projects and creating a positive impact on family, friends, and the world. The team leaders are high school/college girls who have been trained to help with this fun and formation through talks, group activities, workshops, retreats, and outreach.
Meets in the parish center twice monthly on Fridays from 3:30-4:45pm