Pastoral & Finance Council
Pastoral Council
This council is the consulting body to the pastor and dialogues with and makes recommendations to the pastor for all major pastoral decisions. The pastoral council by-laws state that parishioners are welcome to attend the regular meetings and with prior approval, can bring concerns before the council. Items to be brought before the Council should be submitted prior to the meeting to Fr. Bolte or the chairperson. The council meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the parish center.
The council consists of nine members and the pastor. New members are selected each year during the discernment process and serve three-year terms. Council members should be active members of the parish who are good at listening to others and work cooperatively.
Pastoral Council Members 2024
Pastor: Fr. Rick Bolte
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Michael Elmlinger
Chairman: Mary Finke
Vice Chair: Lee Metzger
Secretary: Greg Curtin
Worship: David Krenk
Outreach: Eileen Messer
Education: Sarah Beegle
Fun and Fellowship: Greg Egbers
Finance: Mike Brinker
School: Deb Geers
Contact: Fr. Rick Bolte (e-mail) 859.384.1100 ext 2196
Finance Council
This council maintains vigilance of all parish finances, including the budget and monitoring all revenues and expenses. It also advises the Pastoral Council on all major expenditures. The council meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the parish center.
The council consists of seven members, the pastor, and the business manager. New members are selected each year during the discernment process and serve three-year terms.
Any questions on the finances can be directed to Fr. Rick Bolte or any of the other Finance Council members.
Finance Council Members 2024
Pastor: Fr. Rick Bolte
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Michael Elmlinger
Business Manager: Tiffany Stephens
Chair: Joe O’Connell
Vice Chair: Trevor Rosenbaum
Secretary: Marc Otto
Rep to Parish Council: Mike Brinker
Contact: Fr. Rick Bolte (e-mail) 859.384.1100 ext 2196