Outreach Events & Collections

Baby Shower

St. Timothy’s Families for Life is hosting a BABY SHOWER to support mothers choosing life and we need your help!

Back to School Drive

School supplies are collected during one weekend in July to benefit Northern KY Harvest’s Backpack and Breakfast distribution to local needy children and Gallatin County’s Readifest.

Thanksgiving Collection

Food, personal hygiene products, winter coats, hats, and gloves are collected during one weekend in November for local agencies.

Christmas Gift Collection

Gift Giving Trees provide parishioners with Christmas gift requests for our “adopted” Christmas families and within the parish

Pantry Donations

A collection bin is located in the gathering space year-round for donations of grocery items for local assistance, St. Vincent de Paul Society, and City Heights.
The following items are always appreciated: mac & cheese, canned pasta, boxed dinners, canned meats, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruits and vegetables, dry pasta, pasta sauce.

Toiletries Donations

A collection bin is located in the gathering space year-round for donations of travel size toiletries for the Hosea House in Newport.

Alternative Christmas

This is an opportunity for anyone to buy Christmas gifts of charity in the name of those for whom they gift at Christmas. Eight to ten local nonprofit agencies each provide a short list of shopping items that can be purchased to benefit those whom they serve. Shopping takes place on a Sunday morning in early December and in the parish office from early to mid-December. The compiled shopping list is made available on the parish website and in the parish office. With each purchase, a beautiful Christmas card is provided that states the charitable purchase made in the name of person being gifted.

Yard Sale

The parish participates in the annual regional “The Longest Yard Sale” event in August by renting the church’s parking spaces to vendors, selling food and drink to vendors and shoppers, and selling donated items. 100% of the profits benefit our international mission the Ed Colina Foundation. More about Ed’s work can be found at www.edcolinafoundation.org.

About Our Outreach Partnerships   

St. Augustine Parish Center

Our urban mission is located in City Heights, a public housing community in Covington, KY.  Our parish’s financial support of $500 per month and parishioner donations help the center to meet the needs of the families living in City Heights.  Parishioners from St. Timothy also volunteer on a regular basis.
For more information, call 859.491.4584.