Ministries to Sick, Hospitalized, & Homebound
Home Visits
This ministry provides home visits to ill or homebound parishioners. Volunteer visits include praying for the person and presenting a hand-made parish prayer blanket representing the love and support of our faith community during times of illness or distress. Visits may be short-term or long-term in nature. Anyone in need of this ministry is encouraged to call to make arrangements for visits. Meals may be arranged through the Meals for Parishioners ministry.
Volunteers with caring hearts who are good listeners are needed. Training is provided.
♦ Contact: Deacon Tom Nolan (e-mail ) 859.525.1717

Hospital Visits
Our clergy can visit you or a loved one at the hospital if you let us know. The hospitals are restricted in giving info with the new privacy regulations. Please contact us if you would like to arrange for Communion to be brought to a care facility on Sunday mornings or during the week.
♦ Contact the parish office 859.384.1100
Communion for the Homebound & Ill
Eucharist ministers, deacons, and priests visit on Sunday or during the week with parishioners who are homebound, ill, or in a care facility.
Viaticum refers to the final reception of Eucharist by those who are near death. It is often celebrated in conjunction with the anointing of the sick.
Please contact us if you would like to arrange for the Sacraments to be brought to a home or a care facility.
♦ Contact the parish office 859.384.1100

Sacrament of the Sick
This sacrament can be received by anyone who is sick, seriously ill, undergoing surgery, or in need for an emotional or spiritual healing. It is a sacrament of healing graces and can be received at any time; it is not required that death be imminent.
♦ Contact the parish office 859.384.1100
Prayer Blankets
This ministry involves sewing blankets and praying for parishioners who are in the hospital, homebound or seriously ill. All blankets are blessed, and then given to those in need as a tangible symbol of the love and prayers of our parish community. Participation in this ministry can be through donating fabric and/or sewing the blankets. The blankets are delivered during home, hospital, or care facility visits.
♦ Contact the parish office 859.384.1100