Society of St. Vincent DePaull (SVdP)

The St. Timothy chapter of the Society of St. Vincent DePaull (SVdP) is accepting referrals for people in need within our parish boundaries. Your gifts do more than help with rent, utilities, food and clothing. Our goal is to provide living, training, education and budgeting resources that lead to long term employment and financial independence. Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support.

 Financial Contributions can be made through the online giving on the website,  the collection basket (marked clearly SVDP) or in the parish office.

  • Donations to the food pantry can be brought to the parish center or the gathering space in church.
  • Donations of clothing and shoes can be deposited in the blue collection bin between the church and rectory.
  • Drop off new or gently used clothing, furniture, housewares or appliances at a Northern Kentucky Stores/ Donation Center.   Call 859-446-7719 to arrange a no cost donation pickup.
  • Donate a car, motorcycle or boat by calling 859-446-7719 or complete the on-line vehicle donation form.

Parish Chapter Contact:  Debbie Curtin 513-532-6958 or Bill Anderson 412-295-3441